How to grow rose from a bouquet

Over the year there are a lot of holidays which means that a lot of flowers would be cut off, arranged, gifted and… destroyed. You had a beautiful bouquet of roses and you want to keep the magic and the memory for a longer period of time? Well, today we will teach you how to grow a rose from a bouquet.


© silviarita / Pixabay

We will give more attention to the rooting process, which is made by the help of an ordinary potato. The nutrition of the potato and its moisture will help the rose to make nice and healthy roots.

Of course, after you see the roots, that are on the rose stems, you will have to transfer the flowers to your yard or at least big enough pot on your balcony.

Keep in mind that some hybrid rose sorts, that can be bought from the flower shops, might not grow so easily, but don’t let something like this stop you – at least one stem will make roots.

So, let’s see what you will need – cleaned from the leafs roses (if you want you can keep 2-3 leafs), long around 23-25 cm, couple of raw potatoes with average size, pot with soil and big glass or plastic container, which we will use for a lid to make a greenhouse effect.

Cut the rose stems on a sticks, each long around 23-25 cm. Clean the leafs. Carve the potato and make a tunnel around 5-6 cm. Watch the width of the tunnels – it must match the diameter of the rose stems.

Idea rose from a bouquet

Idea rose from a bouquet

When you do this put the potatoes in the soil in a large pot. You must do a hole with depth around 5 cm. Of course, you can put the potatoes directly in your garden, but at home it will be warmer. Put the potato with the rose stem into the hole, put soil over it and then close with the lid. Make sure it will be transparent, so it would let the light come through. You can use large jars, plastic bottles or tube – what you have laying around.

Idea rose from a bouquet

If you don’t have something to use as a lid, you can cover the pot with a transparent plastic bag.
Water the pots regularly and don’t forget to add sugar to the water once each five days – it will fasten the growth process. Don’t forget also to ventilate the pots and don’t put them on a direct sunlight, because the flower will burn. In the warmer days you can remove the lid.

Idea rose from a bouquet

If you done everything correctly, after 5-7 weeks you will have roots on the rose stems. This you will know for sure if you see new and fresh leafs on the stem. Then you can uncover the pots and transfer the roses to your garden or another pots if you like to. Then you will have to wait for the time when the roses will bloom and enjoy their greatness.

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