Snowdrop bouquet from pralines and crepe paper

Praline bouquets are great gift for women at every age. It is not that hard to make one even at home. For that reason, today we prepared for you an easy and in the same time very beautiful idea on how to make snowdrops from pralines or even candies and crepe paper.

Snowdrop bouquet from pralines

Praline bouquets are great gift for women at every age. It is not that hard to make one even at home. For that reason, today we prepared for you an easy and in the same time very beautiful idea on how to make snowdrops from pralines or even candies and crepe paper. With them you can make a bouquet or to decorate praline box for a birthday or another personal occasion. The international women’s day is perfect occasion for you to surprise a female friend.

What would be needed:

Box of chocolate pralines (or biscuits);
Five wrapped pralines (or other wrapped candies);
Crepe paper in three colors – white, pale green and green;
Green florist tape;
Decorative wire (you can use any other wire you find, but after all don’t pick a too thin one);
String or tape;
Hot glue gun.

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How to do it:

From the crepe paper cut the details as following:
For five snowdrops you will need five strips white crepe paper with 2 cm width and 50 cm length, five rectangles from the pale green crepe paper with 5 cm length and 4 cm height and two strips from the green crepe paper with 1,5-2 cm width and 50 cm length.
If you want to change the number of the flowers, cut more or less details, proportionally on the flower number.

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Cut five pieces of the decorative wire. On each piece glue wrapped praline with the help of the hot glue gun as following: Put a drop of glue on the one end of the praline wrap, put the wire and wrap up as it is shown on the image. You can make this with tape – just wrap up the praline wrap with the wire and fix with the tape.

Attention! Don’t strain the pralines on the wire.

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After you are done, you can prepare the inside part of the snowdrop. Take one of the pale green rectangles and with the help of the thumbs and index fingers make waves on the whole length. Make the same with the other rectangles.

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After that with the same fingers pull every rectangle from the center to the ends to make the dent for the pralines.

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Now you have to make the upper leafs of the snowdrops.
To make them take the white strips and divide every by the length on three equal parts, so the size of every snip should be 2 cm width and 16,5 cm length – this is for the petals.

Fold every white snip on half to see where the center is and twist at the bending spot.

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Fold the twisted details on half and with the thumbs pull the petals from the center to the ends to make the convex shape.

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Now start the assembly of the snowdrops. For beginning, wrap the pale green part around the praline and its end fix with string or tape. After that put together the white petals around the pale green center, overlapping them slightly one over another in one direction.

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To make smooth transition from the flower to the handle, cut the ends of the petals under 45 degrees.

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When you make all of the snowdrops, fold slightly the wire, so you could arrange them inside the praline box later. You can show imagination and fold them in whatever form you want.

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Begin with the leafs on the handles.

Take two strips from the green crepe paper and divide every at four equal parts, so you could get eight leafs (you can change their number if you want to). After that from every green snip cut leafs. Pull them slightly.

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Wrap the snowdrop handles with the green florist tape as it is shown on the image. Between the wraps place leafs.

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After you are done with all of the snowdrops, gather them together into a bouquet with a pretty ribbon. Cut the handles and take them onto the box with the help of the hot glue gun or using a double-sided tape.
If you want, you can further decorate the snowdrops with some pearl beads.

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